Torniamo a parlare della Anchor Factory. Stella Le Page è l’ultima in ordine di tempo ad uscire per l’ottima etichetta francese. Snake è il suo nuovo singolo ed è accompagnato, come b side da Afraid of the Dark. I più attenti, ricorderanno che Stella non è del tutto nuova da queste parti, avevamo già spinto un suo brano in una delle nostre playlist per
Così Stella sui suoi brani:
Both Snake and Afraid of the Dark i wrote late at night in the dark of winter. Snake was written when i was really down about a situation, someone had stolen something very precious of mine, and instead of dealing with the girl in real life, i wrote an angry song about seeking revenge, as the resolution, and I never challenged her about it, as i cannot bear conflict!
Afraid of The Dark is basically just a reflection of my actual fear of the dark! I love summer and sunshine so long cold winter nights always bring me down, and i think Afraid of The Dark was written at a time when i felt very lonely and vulnerable.