Alex Gopher è uno di quei personaggi che non s’è fatto mancare niente, un ingordo fagocitatore di musica fin dai tempi del liceo: prima fonda la sua rock-band-da-garage-che-dà-fastidio-ai-vicini con, scusate, i due attuali membri degli Air. Poi si separano, ognuno per la sua strada, chi finisce a comporre, tra le altre cose, la colonna sonora per il Giardino delle vergini suicide della Coppola, chi a sfornare successi come le indimenticabili Party People e The Child. Alex collabora poi con Etienne de Crecy, fonda la sua etichetta di proprietà, viene chiamato da Yves Saint Laurent (pace all’anima sua) per dare un pò di ritmo alla sfilata del 2001, intanto che da una remixatina a Fischerspooner e ai Kraftwerk (non in quest’ordine cronologico).
Ecco, gli mancava solo venire al Tunnel con Le Cannibale. Per fargli aggiungere questo nuovo tassello alla sua bio, Marco e Albert (quello nano e quello coi tatuaggi) lo ospitano questo venerdì 17 febbraio, alla faccia di ogni saggia scaramanzia, al Tunnel di Milano per un djset cucito apposta per noi.
Questa l’intervista al francese dagli occhiali spessi in esclusiva per DLSO.
1) Hi Alex, introduce yourself to our readers.
Hello, I’m Alex Gopher, french Music Producer for more than 15 years now. I began music as a bass player in a teenage band, but my style is more around electronic music today, even if I also love rock and indie music.
2) Let’s start from the past. How are Jean Benoit, Nicolas (Air) and Xavier ?
We were all together in this band, orange, 20 years ago now… We are still very good friends today and I regulary work with them.
3) I imagine that a lot of people ask you to speak about the relationship with Etienne de Crecy. Tell us three reasons for which we should always avoid to work with him.
We share our studios and publishing company since a long time, and we are still supporting one each other everyday !
Why should you NOT work with Etienne ?
– you could die laughing at his jokes
– if he works with you, it’s less time for him to work with me
– if you achieve something good with him, I will be jealous
4) You have your own label ”Go 4 music”. Who are the artists you produce, aside from you?
My label is more my own small production company than a real label. But I produced EPs for Sovnger, a French electro producer, and for the English one, Pablo Decoder.
5) Will you compose the soundtrack for a Sophia Coppola’s film ? She’s an icon for the hypsters like me.
I would love to do it ! But I’m just finishing a soundtrack for the movie Motorway produced by Johnnie To, and that’s nice too !
6) What is the best town in Europe to make music today ? In the 90es all the world talked about the french touch, where is the golden touch nowadays ?
Perhaps Berlin ? Or still London. The Golden Touch for good music is Europe for sure !
7) It will be a Gopher party, baby ?
Oooooh yes !
8) Recommend us a singer / producer / dj we cannot live without. Thank you, Alex.
Saint-Michel, a young french duo that I just finished to produce, that’s honey for your ears. You welcome! Ciao!
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