Quanto vi sono mancate le nostre interviste del martedì con l’ospite de Le Cannibale del venerdì? Ditelo, zero. In realtà sappiamo che non potreste vivere senza ed ecco che siamo tornati, puntuali come uno Swatch regalatoci in terza elementare, a proporvi una chiacchierata informale con artisti-che-non-so-se-mi-spiego.
Iniziamo col botto, iniziamo con Joakim, il produttore/dj/musicista francese (tò, che novità) che ricorderete voi giovincelli per Forever Young e Nothing Gold, oltre perché è alle redini della Tigersushi Rec. Siamo partiti con un’intervista lo-fi, senza impegno, che scivoli giù come limonata a fine estate, perché l’impegno dovrete metterlo tutto nel pensare al costume più scenografico da indossare all’apertura della nuova stagione de Le Cannibale.
L’appuntamento è per questo venerdì 21 settembre, in concomitanza con la Fashion Week milanese dedicata alla donna, all’insostituibile Tunnel di via Sammartini, a partire dalle 22.30. Ci saranno ressa, fotografi, buttafuori vestiti in Tom Ford e Anna dello Russo a controllare se avete rispettato tutte e dieci le sue regole della moda, quindi pancia in dentro, collane in fuori e sorridete fino alla paralisi facciale. Bentornati a casa, studenti dello IED.
1) Hi Joakim, introduce yourself to our readers.
Qui Joakim, indeciso su quale fosse l’immagine migliore da dare al nostro pubblico, si è scordato di rispondere. Io me la immagino più o meno così: Ciao, sono Joakim Bouaziz e il nome non me lo sono inventato. Sono francese e questo è sufficiente a farmi adorare. Mi piace passeggiare lungo il canal Saint Martin per mischiarmi tra la gente vera, ma la sera suono nei club più esclusivi del mondo. XOXOXO. (Ciao querele, ciao)
2) If you know a little bit Le Cannibale’s program of the last year, you can see there are a lot of french names. What do you have in France that other musicians don’t have? Electronic music is part of your DNA or what?!
We have camembert, which is a smelly cheese, it makes a big difference. Because of that cheese, we stink, so it’s really hard to have girlfriends, so we just spend all our time in studios, working more than other people.
3) Your first background was in classical music, jazz, indie-rock. When did you decide to switch to electronic genre?
It’s not that simple, i didn’t decide to “switch” at any time. And it’s not true that i have a background in Jazz. I learned classical when i was young, then started to listen to all sorts of music when i was a teenager, indie rock first, but then some hip hop, early electronic music, free jazz etc.. I decided to “make” electronic music when i discovered it was so accessible with just a cheap synthesizer with a built-in sequencer. But when i started to make my first demos, i was already buying a lot of electronic music vinyls and DJing sometimes with my friends.
4) You have also a band, “Joakim and the Ectoplasmic Band”, in which you play keyboards, guitars, machines. I don’t know anything about it, would you like to tell me its story?
The Ectoplasmic Band was the name we used 6 or 7 years ago when i started touring with a band, but we dropped that name a long time ago because nobody could remember it. Then it became Joakim & The Disco, or all sorts of stupid names. It’s me plus a drummer and a bass & keyboard player. I have a lot of equipment on stage, synths, pedals etc. So it’s really a mix of electronics and live instruments, with a lot of improvisation, the show is different every time.
5) I’m coming to visit you in Paris, where do you bring me to let me fall in love with your job?
What job?
6) As director of the Tigersushi label, how do you choose the artists to produce? What’s the main quality that you look for in a future dj?
We never signed “DJs” on Tigersushi…. we sign musicians, composers. Talent, integrity and weirdness are the only qualities we’re looking for.
7) Ok man, we have finished our interview. I hope you’ll enjoy your gig in Milan, we’re really party animals! Greet our followers in your favourite language and reccomend us a song.
Youkoso. Levon Vincent – Tenderness
Questo invece il video teaser realizzato da Sette Secondi Circa e accompagnato dalle musiche di Uabos per i nostri amici cannibali:
More info: facebook
opening: 22:30
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13 euro in lista fino alle 01.00
15 euro altrimenti