Quando un artista ti ringrazia alla fine di un’intervista, ti si scalda sempre il cuore. Nonostante la gentilezza dovrebbe essere un diritto e un dovere inalienabile dell’essere umano, ci sono situazioni in cui la trovi particolarmente spontanea e allora incredibilmente piacevole. Feadz è un ragazzone dalla faccia allegra, di quelli che a 14 anni facevano le rime in francese con gli amichetti al Parc de la Villette; indossa sempre un cappellino con la visiera rigida e delle t-shirt variopinte che non passano inosservate. Forse non conosci a memoria l’andatura dei suoi beat come il testo di Baby I’m Yours che pure sentirai suonare settimana prossima sul palco del Tunnel da quel tenerone di Breakbot e che attendi con ben più spasimo, ma posso assicurarti che quest’ultimo il doposcuola di djing lo fa da Feadz e non il contrario.
Venerdì 9 novembre vestiti informale, Le Cannibale ti porta Feadz al Tunnel club di Milano e ti promette che l’ambiente non sarà per niente choooosy. Prima di andar via non dimenticare di dare il bacio della buonanotte a Uabos che ti fa ballare ogni venerdì e a Nemsi che ogni tanto sale in console per fare il gonzo-andare al paragrafo #2.
1) Hi Fabien, could you please tell us two or three things about you to introduce yourself to our readers?
HI everyone ! I’m a 33 years old Parisian DJ and producer ,i’m a boy and i got very long hands.
2) How old were you when you started to make music? You always look like a kid, but you’re on the scene since the early ’90es!
First of all thank you , i still dress as a kid so it helps , i’m DJ since the early 90’s yes but i release my first solo record in 2001 , i had my first music gear at 17, it was the MPC 2000 from Akai.
3) Your first record label was the BPitch Control, one of the most important techno label in the world; after you switched to Ed Banger that is well-known for its electro french productions; but first of all you come from hip hop. Have you ever thought to release something on an hip hop label?
Before doing techno with Bpitch i was releasing some scratch battle tool and doing scratches for hip hop bands and labels , i’m still involved in the hip hop scene and even if i focus more on my own records at the moment i’m planning to do rap production for different MC’s in a next future.
4) Please, tell us: aren’t love and work a dangerous couple?
Those two things are the most important things in life , if you are happy with at least one of those two you really can’t complain , now if u succeed on combining those two you can be the happiest human being . Unfortunately sometimes one of those is chasing the other. Yours truly, DJ Confucius.
5) Have you heard the brand new, fantastic EP from Symphony Hall? Do you like it? Are you preparing a remix of One Night Stand?
Yes i like it , like most of the release from Marble , but One night stand is kind of a remix already ,the original was on the ‘let the children techno’ compilation on Ed Banger.
6) What’s your perfect dimension? Djing or producing?
It’s a balance of the both but honestly i feel better at Djing , i can trust my taste, my knowledge and my skills. I’m more limited as a producer but i still manage to bring out good records from time to time.
7) Is there a musical genre you would like to explore in your next works? Something totally different from your background like, i dunno, UK bass or garage? Or, why not, dancehall? I’d like to see a video with you and Diplo shaking your basketball caps among a lot of curvy girls.
Haha , those previously quoted genre are no stranger to my background though, you can find elements of those since my very first EP i think, and one of my latest track “Wettex” with Kito is definitely a UK Bass record , half of it being produced in London by the way.
8) Finally have you do-do-done that stuff that your mum calls smut?
“I’m doing it and doing it and doing it well ” shout out to LL Cool J and to you my italian Friends . I also take this opportunity to give another shout out to my italian collegues BS1 who done a remix for my next EP to come on december on Ed Banger . THANKS !
more info: facebook
opening: 22:30
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13 euro in lista fino alle 01.00
15 euro altrimenti
✉ info@lecannibale.com