Thibault è un ragazzo timidissimo, dallo sguardo fanciullesco e a tratti perso, e a sfiorarlo hai quasi la sensazione di fargli un torto. È magro e delicato come un giunco, ma durante la sua intervista pensavo che metterei la firma per arrivare a trent’anni e sembrare ancora una pischella come lui. E poi pensavo come a volte la figura dell’artista rimanga ingabbiata nei suoi stereotipi inutili e fuorvianti. Breakbot è sicuramente un tipo schivo, quasi inconscio del fatto di essere una macchina che genera hype anche solo respirando. Oppure ne è consapevole al punto tale da lasciare che le cose semplicemente accadano.
DLSO ha cercato di tracciarne un ritratto ironico e disincantato, da cui emerge la natura gentile di un personaggio che si concede alla folla e al calore di massa con una certa difficoltà, ma che non smette di guardarti negli occhi neanche un attimo mentre risponde alle tue domande, nonostante siano probabilmente le stesse fattegli – noiosamente – da molti altri.
1) Hi Thibauld, finally here you are! How would you like to introduce yourself to the Italian people who don’t follow you yet? You have a big chance to make a plea.
Ehm, i’m a dj and a musician. I just make music, i prefere to let the other people judge my work.
2) When your long-awaited debut album By Your Side was released one month ago, i reviewed it. I did not write a lot of words as all the music journalists do in these cases, i only quoted a passage by Portoguese poet Fernando Pessoa. The main concept was: all the love letters are ridicolous. They would not be love letters if they weren’t ridicolous. Your album is a huge love letter, isn’it?
Yes, everything is about love. It’s en entire album of love songs, there are no other meanings, just love love love. I have not other interpretations to suggest.
3) Is By Your Side an homage to Michael Jackson or Beach Boys?
It’s not exactly an homage, but it’s quite inspired. I listened to them when i was young and i listen to them also now of course. When Michael Jackson died i cried all night long, but maybe he’s not truly dead.
4) Please, could you explain us the videoclip of One Out of Two? There was a sort of brainstorming among our editorial staff because many of us couldn’t understand how the fair-haired girl can be so heartless and shot you at the end of the video. Did you betray her? Was the song not for her?
Yes, i betrayed her and this passage is represented by the changement of hair style of Alka Balbir, Gaspard Augé’s girlfriend. She is brunette in the beginning and she becomes blonde in the end of the videoclip when she comes to shot me. Your interpretation was finally good ;)
5) Do you remember the best party you have djed at? You don’t know it, but we are together in a photo taken in Caserta more or less two years ago. Do you remember that party? There was Feadz too. I forgot to ask Feadz the same question in his interview.
It was in Sidney, there were a lot of people and the scenary was amazing: beach, atmosphere, people. I prefere the parties where there’s a combination of different elements, both atmosphere and people make the situation the best one. Yes, i remember the party you’re talking about!
6) Has anyone ever told you that you look like Jesus Christ? I dream of asking you this question from the first time i saw your face on the web.
Oh, damn, everyday, almost ten times a day! All the people i meet tell me ”Oh, dude, you look like Jesus Christ ”, but for me it’s a so natural look, it’s not part of the character, it’s just my hair and my face.
7) How do you like to spend your free time when you’re not working? Here in DLSO we imagine you as a so romantic person who smells the flowers in the streets and makes portraits of his girlfriend everyday and goes with her on the beach to see the sunset. Maybe we think you come from a cartoon like Candy Candy.
I have not too much free time ‘cause i’m always working. But when i’m free i love travelling and travelling and travelling. I do it both for job and for pleasure and i think it’ s the best way to spend time. You can discover a lot of places and new things you didn’t know before, it’s like growing every time.
8) After Baby I’m Yours you became very famous. How did your life changed? Are you rich now?
Definitely i’m not rich, i have less time, but i have more money to do things i love. Now i can make journeys when i want.
9) Ok, Thibauld, we have finished. Thank you for your interview and for having played along with us. Finally how do you picture the ideal listener of your songs?
It’s someone just dancing in this way: (passetto di piede, schiocco di dita, micro movimento di spalla – fallo ripetute volte fino a raggiungere il loop inconscio ndr). Se trovi un hula hoop in cantina, coloralo a tinte caramella e finisci dritto dritto nel mondo fantastico di Breakbot:
Concludo la nostra chiacchierata chiedendogli se anche lui si è fatto rapire dalla cattiveria dei suoni wonky e trap di questo periodo nonostante non appartengano di striscio al suo immaginario musicale, ma non fa in tempo a rispondermi che sta già dispensando Higher Ground alla folla in adorazione.
Qui ti guardi le foto che gli abbiamo scattato insieme agli amici de Le Cannibale.
Ricordati di dirgli grazie se sei tu ad aver vinto i biglietti per entrare gratis alla serata.