Oggi su DLSO siamo in vena di poesia e vorremmo dedicartene una:
Motherfuckers are so nice
Suck my dick
Lick my ass
In the mix we have sex
Everynight with my favorite friends.
Te la ricordi la parafrasi che t’hanno insegnato a scuola? A P P L I C A L A.
L’occasione te la dà Le Cannibale questo venerdì al Tunnel col suo nuovo ospite, il veterano frequentatore dei peggiori bar di Caracas The Hacker, al secolo Michel Amato. Non stiamo ad attaccarti il pippone su cosa abbia fatto nella vita, perché se a dieci anni eri ganzo quanto noi passavi i tuoi pomeriggi inutili su Mtv e allora conosci a memoria tutte le sue hit con quella statua tatuata di Miss Kittin.
Pensa a Natale quanti soldi beccava ‘sto qui quando cantava la poesia dai nonni siciliani. O a quando Dolce la intonava a Gabbana.
1) Hi Michel, would you like to introduce yourself to our readers? Do you actually have italian origins? I know your surname is Amato!
Hello, i’m Michel Amato, my artist name is The Hacker and i come from Grenoble, France! And yes i have italian origin, my father is from Sicily.
2) Is it true that your nickname is an homage to Jeff Mills’ track? Who were your myhts when you started making music?
Yes, i took my name from an old Jeff Mills’ track . I was really a big fan back then but i was also into other artists like Aphex Twin , LFO or even bands like Depeche Mode, New Order, Kraftwerk. Those bands are my first influences.
3) In your opinion is it harder or easier to be start making electronic music today? There is a better availability of software that can help you composing, but maybe up and coming producers risk being merely a small fish in a big sea.
You are right, it’s easier to do music today, but the problem is that now there is too much music! So it’s difficult to be a newcomer now , you really have to work hard and to be really good to be noticed ! And it’s the same thing with djing also , today everybody is a dj, because now you don’t need to know how to mix, because the computer does it for you, it’s not a good thing, i think; before, making electronic music and djing was something special, now everybody does it!
4) One of my favourite songs – i know, i’m so obvious – is Frank Sinatra. Why did you choose the charater of Frank Sinatra as subject for a song rather than, for example, Kurt Cobain o Jim Morrison? Don’t they have a more widespread popularity?
We choose him because we wanted someone that symbolized the jet-set and the very luxury superstar life, and for us Frank Sinatra was perfect for that.
5) What was the best moment of your long career, the part that you would like experience once again today if you had the chance?
I don’t know , it’s hard to say, the first time in America was great, the live show we did in Paris for our first album with Miss Kittin was also an amazing moment, it’s hard to pick one.
6) If you could choose to be a female musician, who would you be?
Nico from The Velvet Underground.
7) I think that all the world is asking himself: ”What’s the current relationship between The Hacker and Miss Kittin? Are they working on new stuff together?”. Please satisfy our curiosity so that we can go sleeping happily tonight.
We are still very good friends with Miss Kittin, and we are in contact very often. Next year i’m going to release a solo album, and Miss Kittin also, so for the moment no new collaboration, we’ll see later, but i’m pretty sure that once we will have time, we’ll do something again!
8) Thank you for your time, Michel. Finally, recommend to us an album to play when trying to strike an impression with a girl or boy during the up and coming winter.
Lately i listen a lot to Yan Wagner “48 hours” album, he’s a french artist, making very good electro with an 80’s influence.
More info: facebook
opening: 22:30
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13 euro in lista fino alle 01.00
15 euro altrimenti
✉ info@lecannibale.com