Le leggende non si intervistano tutti i giorni. A meno che tu non sia DLSO. Questa settimana abbiamo fatto una chiacchierata con un ospite d’eccezione, uno di quelli che realizzi dopo un sacco di tempo l’importanza che rivestono nel panorama musicale contemporaneo e nessuno crederà che sei serio mentre lo racconti. A portarlo al Tunnel di Milano la nostra crew del cuore – Le Cannibale – il cui gusto eclettico e sfuggente raggiunge picchi massimi di raffinatezza quando ti piazza un futurista dell’elettronica come Anthony Rother in un freddo inizio di febbraio. Levati il cappello, stai per salutare un maestro di retro future music con quindici anni di celebrata carriera alle spalle.
1) Hi Anthony, we usually ask our guests as first step to introduce themselves. But i’m pretty sure that this time it is really not necessary. Is there anything not reported in your official bio that you would like to reveal to our followers?
I’m producing a lot at the moment and recently reactivated my label Datapunk, with a completely new vision. I think of it as Datapunk 2.0, and it’s very forwardthinking… You could even call it a totally new beginning, or a huge update. The idea was definitely to put all my new output through Datapunk for now.
2) What are you working on at the moment?
The next 12” will be coming out in March, titled “Metro Boy/Catharsis” and I’m already working on the follow-up to that one.
3) When you started composing music, your productions were considered a kind of futuristic and melancholic meltin’ pot. Today what does the idea of a “music of the future” mean to you? Can we hope in another futurism?
I’m still working on another futurism, and my world moves completely in a futurism, in the sense of a forward-looking lifestyle, which helps itself to the past, present and future in a unified concept.
4) Where does the inspiration for your art come from, after all these years?
It comes from everyday life, really, with all the books, media and music I consume. I see. I think. I produce.
5) Which collaborations with other producers have been the most relevant in your career? Have you got any regrets regarding this aspect?
No, I have absolutely no regrets about any of my collaborations; how could I, after working with some of my absolute heroes?
Currently, I have also reestablished a connection with an important old friend and partner of mine, Heiko Laux from Kanzleramt. There’s a really good feel to his recent tracks, and we’re both on the same page about what it should feel like when we produce our music.
6) Thank you very much Anthony. It was an honour to chat with you. Are you listening to any newcomer at the moment that you would warmly recommend to us?
At the moment, my main recommendation would be Heiko Laux’s new productions, even if he is anything but a newcomer. Especially Kanzleramt 157, titled “Chicken, Understood”. For me, that perfectly sums up the updated Kanzleramt sound that Heiko is pushing and that I’m really into at the moment. As you may know, we’re all from the same place in Hessen, Friedberg near Bad Nauheim. That’s where we all got to know each other.
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