Provo a farla breve:
tutto è cominciato con un Between The Beats, ovvero un mini documentario realizzato da Resident Advisor su Nina Kraviz in cui, ad un certo punto, c’è una scena di lei in una vasca da bagno in un hotel.
Passa pochissimo tempo e spuntano i primi commenti “I’m so happy blatant uses of sexuality and superficiality can take the place of hustling vinyl and spending countless hours in the studio” predica Maceo Plex, ma anche i vari lettori di RA non sono da meno “Was the bathtub scene really necessary?”. Poi arriva la disamina di Greg Wilson che conclude il suo pensiero così: “Nina’s making her own statement, and regardless of whether or not you might agree with her, or even like the music she records and plays, she’s saying something – she’s causing a reaction and sparking debate. I find it refreshing that she often doesn’t do what people expect her to – in an ever more conformist world it’s reassuring to see anyone out there with maverick tendencies”.
A quel punto la Kraviz non resiste più e tuona irritata dalle pagine del suo facebook: “This video is about dj on the road. And djs take baths sometimes. The party in Bulgaria was on the beach. So you wanted me to be on the beach in winter cloths? Just not to be miss understood? Since when wearing a swimming suit on the beach is too much? Ha? And the last thing. In the video I said “being a female in the industry is not easy sometimes because all relationship turn into distant relationship”. For many people I am just too real. But if you think I am gonna change because you don’t feel it or because you are full of cliches and sexism. You think you can control people and tell them what they should be. No, sorry it doesn’t work this way with me“.
C’è poi un interessantissimo articolo di Factmag su quello che è stato rinominato Bathgate che termina così:
“We forget in this that DJs are as much performers as they are selectors, and in this sense Nina Kraviz no more exaggerates her femininity than, say, a ghetto-tech DJ exaggerates his masculinity. If DJ Funk can perform topless, drinking Buckfast out the bottle and thrust his crotch at the crowd with each drop without being deemed a threat, then Nina Kraviz can certainly wear high heels, smoke cigarettes and languidly wave her arms around. I am as tired of this discussion as I am of those who use such pieces as thinly veiled attempts at understanding and advice to propagate sexism, and Wilson for me was the straw that broke the camel’s back on this one. Stop rolling your eyes at Nina Kraviz. She’s as sick of all this as you, hopefully, are“.
Fine riassunto spero non troppo asciugone, arriviamo alla parte sorrisi: internet e tumblr si confermano un’ottima accoppiata. Ecco infatti il blog dj’s having bath che mette le cose a posto. È un problema che Nina si sia vista in vasca da bagno? Ecco la versione vasca da bagno anche degli altri djs.
HEY I TOOK A BATH ON CAMERA WAY BEFORE @ninakraviz further proving the fact that i did everything before anyone else…
HEY I TOOK A BATH ON CAMERA WAY BEFORE @ninakraviz further proving the fact that i did everything before anyone else…
— Teki Latex (@TekiLatex) 09 aprile 2013
— Teki Latex (@TekiLatex) 09 aprile 2013