Bruce Campbell ha comprato nel 1999 un Boeing 727-200 per trasformarlo nella sua casa. Dopo aver trascorso i successivi 15 ad abbellirlo e renderlo abitabile─spendendo una cifra vicina ai 220.000 $, è ora contento di farti vedere quanto ci sta bene dentro.
[quote style=”2″]”The cabin and cockpit combination provide 1,066 square feet of exhilarating aerospace quality,” he writes on his website. “I don’t mean to offend, but wood is in my view a terrible building material. It biodegrades – it’s termite chow. And microbe (rot) chow. Or it’s firewood. It just depends upon which happens first. It’s a relatively weak material, and it’s secured with low tech fasteners using low tech techniques. And traditional rectangular designs are inferior structurally – they unreasonably sacrifice strength for boxy ergonomics. But retired airliners are profoundly well designed, high tech, aerospace quality sealed pressure canisters that can withstand 575 mph winds and seven G acceleration forces with ease. They’re among the finest structures that mankind has ever built.”[/quote]