Ryan Hemsworth ha lanciato qualche mese fa Secret Songs, una sorta di etichetta basata su releasese via Soundcloud che butta fuori tracce in free download confezionate da artisti emergenti. Per la release numero 7 indovina chi è il protagonista? È proprio Miami Mais su cui non spenderemo troppe parole del tipo che lo conosciamo e siamo felici per lui altrimenti poi pensate abbiamo il potere di far accadere cose del genere.
Noi questo potere non lo abbiamo, ma abbiamo la gioia di raccontarvi, anzi di farvi raccontare com’è nato il tutto:
[quote style=”2″] “‘200 TIMES’ it’s a jam I made in June; it was raining everyday, and I needed something to feel that real summer vibes I was missing. So i tried to represent a peaceful awakening, then a stroke due to a delay; finally, the arrival. Artwork credit for this goes to Mauro Nacca, a really talented guy.”[/quote]
Così Ryan
[quote style=”2”]”I’m always drawn to artists who really know how to represent our current time in history, and can also show us where they’re coming from in the world. Producers are on top right now because they sit on their computers and digest all this information from the internet – music, news, memes – and spit it back out with the same technology, but with their own interpretation of it all. Miami Mais was introduced to me by my friend Jake at Activia Benz, and I think MM’s upcoming project is so 2014. He takes elements of house, edm, even bmore and dubstep. But it’s done in such a playful way, always evoking thoughts of summertime.”[/quote]