Flying Lotus su twitter si è sottoposto all’ormai consueta raffica di domande dei fan e, anche se abbastanza conciso, ha comunque deciso di rivelare un bel po’ di notizie: dal suo giudizio sul nuovo disco di Kendrick Lamar ai piani per il prossimo album, dai prossimi video a supporto di “You’re Dead!” ad un film “stupido” che sta scrivendo.
Ricordate che FlyLo arriverà in Italia presto.
Qui recuperi la review del suo ultimo lavoro.
13 cose che non sapete su You’re Dead!.
“@DonaldSweaters: @flyinglotus any Murphy this year??” Probably. I'm just having too much fun making beats and writing this stupid movie
— FLYLO FM (@flyinglotus) January 6, 2015
“@Sam_Keeley: @flyinglotus anymore new videos for you're dead coming?”next week!
— FLYLO FM (@flyinglotus) January 6, 2015
“@PastDope: @flyinglotus you got the concept for the next album already?” Yeah ! I'm excited.
— FLYLO FM (@flyinglotus) January 6, 2015
“@wyattyoss: @flyinglotus do you think Kendrick's new album will be the best of 2015?” I would gamble on it.
— FLYLO FM (@flyinglotus) January 6, 2015
“@xdannyxbrownx: “@woodyg16: @xdannyxbrownx ever gonna work with @FlatbushZombies again or @flyinglotus?” <<< would love to” Lets go!
— FLYLO FM (@flyinglotus) January 6, 2015