Britannico di nascita ma parigino d’adozione, co-fondatore della label Ten Thousand Yen ed autore di alcune delle più convincenti hits da dancefloor –su 50 Weapons, Numbers, 20/20 ed altre, degli ultimi tre anni. In occasione dell’uscita dei nuovi remix di “What´s It Gonna Be?”, la sua riuscita collaborazione con Seven Davis Jr., e dell’imminente “Global Luv” EP, abbiamo raggiunto Mial Watkins aka Doc Daneeka per farci raccontare qualcosa riguardo le sue radici musicali –e non solo– attraverso i dischi che fanno parte della sua collezione.
The first record you bought
If we’re talking vinyl I think it was probably this kinda weirdly by Ray Keith
The record you own you are least proud of
I’ve got some pretty dodgy old drum and bass. Thankfully i can’t remember the most embarrassing
A record that made you want to start making music
The minute I heard this I got quite obsessed with the idea of how things could sound and making music, of course it´s pretty different to what I make now, but it was pretty huge for me when I was like 16 or whatever
A record that inspires you production-wise
When I heard Calibre’s music, it was a moment realising you could make subtle and warm tunes but keep them really heavy. He was a huge inspiration on me, almost as much as say Dilla for example. If it wasn’t this it would be any of about 100 Dilla beats
Your favourite 50 Weapons record
This probably. Bambi is king although I play my own edit of this
A record that makes you always want to dance
Almost all of my records
A record that makes you go all emotional
This is easily in my top 5 all time. Find me crying on the dance floor
The record that you use to come down and relax
I’ve been pretty obsessed with really hard oldies for a few years now. Latin lowrider shit. When i really need to go down I lay back and pretend I’m cleaning my Cortez’
Your favourite record of the 2015
Probably this to be honest
The last record you bought
I spent a bit too much on this last week
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