Justin Timberlake sta lavorando, finalmente, al seguito di 20/20 Experience e lo sta facendo con Pharrell Williams. La collaborazione tra i due segue tutta la carriera solista di Timberlake e, volendo essere precisi, anche il periodo *NSYNC–Girlfriend era prodotta dai Neptunes.
In un’intervista a Variety, Justin Timberlake dice:
“I wouldn’t say [my new music] is the antithesis of 20/20, but it does sound more singular… If 20/20 sounded like it literally surrounds your entire head, this stuff feels more like it just punches you between the eyes.”
Pharrell aggiunge:
“For the biggest pop stars in the world, the place where they have the most trouble is honesty. It’s hard for them to know that the beauty of a record, the sweetest spot in the song, is where they show vulnerability and I think Justin is in the place where he’s mastering that right now.”