Si chiude una settimana abbastanza turbolenta per Kanye West con il ricovero ospedaliero a Los Angeles. Dopo un uno due che ridefinisce il concetto di harakiri, West –o forse sarebbe meglio dire il suo mgmt– aveva annullato le restanti tappe del Saint Pablo Tour.
Forbes ha calcolato che la cancellazione delle date ha portato nelle casse dell’artista una perdita di circa 10 milioni di dollari.
Oltre al danno economico, pare però che Yeezy ne abbia risentito anche sul lato fisico e mentale: NBC News riporta il ricovero come necessario “for his own health and safety”.
Un’altra fonte ha raccontato a Page Six:
“He’s having a nervous breakdown. He’s surrounded by all these crazy people, but there’s nobody he listens to or who can rein him in. He’s spiraling further and further out of control. Basically everything crazy he does is ‘art’ — canceling his tour is ‘art’ — he is becoming more and more unpredictable. His state of mind goes back a long way, perhaps to the death of his mother, which he never got over. That combined with his chaotic life — he often stays up and works for 48 hours at a time when he’s on, and calls his team at 3 a.m. Kanye needs a stronger support system, he needs to take some time to fall to the ground and start from scratch again. He’s so talented, but he’s his own worst enemy.”
Se non avete seguito attentamente la vicenda, qui trovate la trascrizione integrale del discorso di Kanye West al concerto di Sacramento.