Esce questa settimana per Record Kicks il debutto a livello internazionale in formato longplayer di Tanika Charles, nuova stella della scena soul canadese e non solo. Infatti, il suo innegabile talento unito ad un carisma fuori dal comune la stanno imponendo come cantante di livello mondiale e tra i principali e promettenti esponenti di una nuova ondata di artisti che si rifanno ai dettami più consolidati del genere dandogli un interpretazione fresca ed al passo con i tempi. In occasione dell´uscita di questo suo “Soul Run”, abbiamo colto l´occasione per andare a sbirciare tra i suoi dischi preferiti. Ecco cosa ci ha mostrato:
The first record you bought:
I think it was Paula Abdul’s Straight up – I loved Paula Abdul. Her songs, wardrobe and most of all her dance moves. One year in Junior High my brother, my closest friend and I had a dance routine for the school talent show. And guess what we danced to? Yup, Paula Abdul’s Straight up!
The record you own you are most proud of:
I have a Bob James album titled “One” that was gifted to me for my birthday. I love it so much. Also grew up listening to Jazz with my dad and Bob James is his favourite musician so that album means a lot to me.
A record that made you want to start making music:
Prince’s “Lovesexy”. Where do I begin?! Prince was my very first crush. I would sit in my room and listen to his music (on cassette), write the lyrics to his songs, just so I could song along. It was DEFINITELY Prince who sparked my musical interest.
A record that inspires you as a singer:
Hiatus Kaiyote – “Tawk Tomahawk”. I was introduced to the band a few years ago and went to see them live. They’re like, a futuristic soul, funk band. The lead singer has a sexy, raspy yet sweet and soft voice and she hits these runs with her vocals and takes you on… I don’t know, perhaps a drug induced journey? Once you absorb all THAT goodness, her lyrics are breathtaking! I always wonder how a person can write such figuratively powerful songs. You need to deconstruct her writing and perhaps uncover whatever life she has lived… I love that. Also opened for the band last year! Nai Palm pulled me onstage and said “Homegirl, f***ing killed it!” I’m still in recovery.
Your favourite record by a canadian artist:
River Tiber – “Indigo”. This guy is just AMAZING. Another future-soul producer, vocalist, instrumentalist. The album, it’s just dreamy.
A record that makes you always want to dance:
Hare Squead – “Supernatural” EP. They’re just three fun kids from Ireland making good party music!
A record that makes you go all emotional:
Solange – “A Seat at the Table”. Solange’s album came out a time when we needed it the most. She addresses the everyday complexities of being Black. Not just in America, but in the world.
The record that you use to come down and relax:
Frank Ocean– “Channel Orange”. I’m just a big fan of Frank Ocean. Everything he writes about and stands for.
Your favourite record of the 2016:
Solange- “A Seat at the Table”
The last record you bought:
NxWorries- “Yes Lawd!”