Un rapper e sviluppatore di videogame Ya Boy Sprightly ha rilasciato The Legend of Drake: Rise of the 6 God, un gioco a 16 bit in cui, giocando nel ruolo di Drake, puoi ripercorrere gli alti e i bassi della sua carriera, dissing compresi.
In un’intervista a Pigeons and Planes, Sprightly ha rivelato di aver lavorato a questo videogame per più di un anno e mezzo, per un totale all’incirca di 500 ore.
«I started working on this game basically as a joke a year and a half ago, but during the course of that time, a lot has transpired in terms of major racial injustices, specifically affecting the hip-hop community. Make no mistake, this game is still a ridiculous joke at its core, but I wanted to include a note at the beginning of the game, empowering people to fight for what’s right. I wholeheartedly respect hip-hop culture and meant this as a loving parody. But we need to do what we can to protect the community if we want to continue to enjoy it. If my weird-ass Drake RPG can help with that at all, then those 500 hours were definitely worth it.»
Il gioco è disponibile sia per Mac che per PC e lo scarichi qui.