Nel nuovo numero di i-D, The Faith In Chaos Issue, si incontrano due amici, due collaboratori, due nomi davvero grossi della musica: Kanye West e Pharrell Williams.
La chiacchierata tra i due, avvenuta via telefonica durante il lockdown rispettivamente da Miami Beach e dal Wyoming, ha toccato diversi argomenti dalla musica, alla pandemia ai progetti futuri.
Kanye apre l’intervista ringraziando Pharrell per esser stato un artista fuori dagli schemi e di aver ispirato un’intera generazione, nella musica come nella moda, come ha fatto Michael Jackson per la generazione precedente:
“I think one of the things that you, Pharrell, inspired in me was this fearlessness to break the mould. You’re the inspiration. Before I wore a pink polo you were wearing a pink polo. That lineage is mapped out and proven, and you can go from then all the way up to the moment we have in culture now. You broke down the doors in fashion for us.”
Sull’argomento Wacko Jacko, Kanye si spinge oltre paragonando il trattamento che i media gli hanno riservato alla sua stessa esperienza:
“I’m like every time the media isn’t happy with me it’s like, ‘Here they go. They’re gonna come and Wacko Jacko me.’ Which in some ways, they’ve tried to do.”
Più avanti nella chiacchierata i due si raccontano le loro rispettive esperienze di distanziamento sociale durante la pandemia di coronavirus:
“This is a plague we’re living through at the moment. I don’t think there will be such a thing as a new normal – it doesn’t do enough justice to the difference in who we were pre-pandemic and who we will be moving forward” dice Pharrell . “Life’s going to have a different kind of gravity than it’s ever had before. It’s also gonna make us really separated… But we have been through many plagues before. We have been through pandemics. We survived. We’re gonna make it. In a lot of ways we got ourselves into this, we gotta get to work to get through it.”
Anche per Kanye, questo è il momento giusto per fare un reset e cambiare la nostra mentalità:
“We have this time to pause and reflect, to ask each other how we’re really feeling. What are we feeling? What am I feeling? What are you feeling? And then we need to ask what we’re thinking, and the deepest level is knowing. That gut feeling.”
L’intervista continua toccando altri temi e interessanti spunti di riflessione. Ti consigliamo di leggerla tutta.