Se è così tocca rivedere tutto il vostro piano di studi.
Kanye West dice che sta lavorando a un libro di filosofia intitolato Break the Simulation:
“I’ve got this new concept that I’ve been diggin’ into,” – spiega – “I’m writing a philosophy book right now called Break the Simulation. And I’ve got this philosophy—or let’s say it’s just a concept because sometimes philosophy sounds too heavy-handed. I’ve got a concept about photographs, and I’m on the fence about photographs—about human beings being obsessed with photographs—because it takes you out of the now and transports you into the past or transports you into the future. It can be used to document, but a lot of times it overtakes [people]. People dwell too much in the memories. People always wanna hear the history of something, which is important, but I think it there’s too much of an importance put on history”
Durante questa stessa intervista al designer Axel Vervoodt, Kanye si lascia anche andare a dissertazioni filosofiche sui tempi moderni:
“I do believe that all time is now. The future is here now, the past is here now. There’s certain people that you meet and you say, ‘Oh, you’re from the future.; You feel this in their spirit, people who are just staying in a time where the time doesn’t celebrate who they are, and there’s other people right now who the time does celebrate, and those people end up more famous or notorious. But I’m big on connecting with timeless energy, with people and musicians that I’m around.”
Laurearsi sarà un piacere. Leggi tutta l’intervista qui.