“L’etimologia del termine mago deriva dalla translitterazione della parola greca magos; trattasi di un titolo specificamente riferito ai Magi, re-sacerdoti dello Zoroastrismo, caratteristici dell’ultima fase della Persia. Con la parola magia si indica una tecnica ipotetica avente lo scopo di influenzare gli eventi e di dominare con la volontà i fenomeni fisici e l’esser umano; questo fine può servirsi di formule verbali e atti, rituali appropriati e gesti.” Adesso dimmi tu se nel nome non c’è scritto il suo destino.
A meno che tu no abbia passato l’ultima estate in un monastero benedettino, non credo di doverti spiegare Stephen Fasano a.k.a. The Magician chi è. Anche perché dovresti averlo già imparato qui. Quello che ti interessa sapere è che questo venerdì sarà ospite de Le Cannibale, di ritorno da un grande party a Madrid lo scorso fine settimana, al Tunnel di Milano. Noi ci siamo fatti un po’ gli affari suoi, siamo andati sul personale chiedendogli ‘hei bro, ma a capodanno dov’è che te ne sei andato tu che sei un party harder’ e nel mezzo la curiosità di sapere se sia contento che l’anthem I Follow Rivers sia diventato un po’ l’OST della parrucchiera me la sono tolta. Ma rimanendo in tema di maghi, e per ridare lustro ad un artista che ha firmato numerose ballate della più pura elettronica belga, mi permetto di citare un film premio Oscar del 1940 di cui hai per forza già capito il titolo: ” Ricordati, mio sentimentale amico, un cuore non si giudica solo da quanto tu ami, ma da quanto riesci a farti amare dagli altri.”
1) Hi The Magician, please say hello to our readers! Is there any special message you want to send them?
Ciao Italia, Happy 2013 ! I hope this year will be truly magical for you.
2) How did you spend new year’s eve night? Is there any belgian tradition – odd or funny – you want to share with us?
Since 3 years I decided to stop to play in clubs for New Year Eve and especially because I don’t like the NYE atmosphere in clubs. This year, I spent it at home with my friends and a lot of amazing food. Also we live the hills of Brussels so we can see all fireworks from our windows. it’s beautiful.
3) Where do you live at the moment and what is your typical daily routine?
I live in Brussels. Typical daily routine from Monday to Thursday is : Wake up at 8am (not on Monday) then shower, breakfast, emails and then studio for music creation. Usually I spend 4 to 5hrs per day in the studio. Also, once a week I listen to all the music I get and I found on internet. Sometimes I cook for dinner, then we watch a movie or again in the studio until around 11pm I go to sleep.
4) When and where did you first put your hands on a pair of turntables?
I received my first pair from my uncle who was DJ in the late 80’s. I got them at the age of 12. He also gave me his vinyl collection full of disco-funk and pop from 70’s & 80’s.
5) During summer 2012 your remix of ‘I Follow Rivers’ reached a huge success across parties in Italy. A lot of people knew the original track it since its release in 2011, but i really think that by now also my trusted baker could be spotted singing the main riff of the song thanks to your remix, and that even a lot of clubs that normally drop commercial music adopted this as an anthem. How do you judge this kind of phenomenon? Are you happy in seeing this happen or do you prefer when a song just stays in its particular niche of pertinence?
I’m gonna explain the story. End of 2010, I got a request from Lykke Li’s label to remix “I Follow Rivers”. They liked it and approved. Early 2011, I’ve asked her label to gave my remix for free from my soundcloud account and they accepted. The track made his way from my soundcloud and the blogs to reach slowly popular radios… Then label and management saw the excitation and felt the HIT…, so they asked me to remove it from my Soundcloud because they have decided to release it officially on itunes in September 2011. After the itunes release it has been charted number 1 in many European countries. A little bit later they also re-release the album with my remix on it. Today still 90 % of the “I Follow Rivers” big audience doesn’t know The Magician because when you are credited as “remixer” you don’t get the same impact, also because “The Magician” is rarely mentioned on the radio.
To finish the little story, I don’t get any centime euro of it.
6) Who are the djs you appreciate at the moment? Is it my impression that you have been more focused on remixing instead of producing in the last months?
The Producers I appreciate at the moment are Disclosure, Perseus, Julio Bashmore, Jonas Rathsman, Flume, … I really like their work.
In 2012 I released 3 remixes (Sam Sparro, Sebastien Tellier and RAC) and 1 single in collaboration with Yuksek under the moniker Peter & The Magician, the track is called “Memory” and was released in June on Kitsuné. From August I’ve been working a lot in the studio to create new music, a single was supposed to coming out end of 2012 but for some reasons I couldn’t make it on time. So the release it is postponed to Spring 2013.
7) Ok Stephen, we have finished. Would you mind suggesting some tracks to us, songs that come handy for a cosy and warm home party? See ya in Milan, man! Take all the warmest clothes you have with you.
You probably know The XX, Jessie Ware, How to Dress Well, Poolside, Purity Ring… ? See you next week, xx.
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opening: 22:30
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