C’e’ un produttore/dj del quale non faro’ il nome che ama fare il punk, tipo chiede di andarlo a prendere in aeroporto esclusivamente con mercedes o bmw, ma poi rovescia una bottiglia di champagne sui piatti: che pazzo!
beh, per quelli come me, vecchie ciabatte brontolone che han sempre da sbuffare come una teiera, lo status di Mr.C e’ una specie di manna scesa dal cielo…
eccolo in tutta la sua bellezza
“Why is that so many DJ’s think they’re so special with all their demands? The Mercedes isn’t good enough, where’s the Rolls Royce? This 5 star hotel isn’t good enough, where’s the 6 star? How dare you give me Kettle One Vodka, where’s the Beluga? I’ll tell you why, it’s because they’re insecure fucking idiots that got bullied, had their pencil cases & dinner tickets stolen from them at school, it’s because it’s all about power & attention, it’s because their ego’s are out of control. To all you DJ’s that think you’re the mutts nuts, fuck you, you play obvious shit, you have no class & you suck dick! It’s your job to be nice to people & to help people to celebrate life, nothing more, so get a fucking grip!”
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P.S. povero Pauly D non c’entra nulla, ma il suo mac italopallettes e il suo gel erano tentatori…