Il 29 Agosto 2017 i Soulwax si esibiscono live ai 3 Mills Studios di Londra e registrano la performance di Is It Always Binary, dall’album FROM DEEWEE.
Sul palco, pochissimi strumenti* e l’installazione Transient Program for Drums and Machinery progettata dai Soulwax e costruita appositamente per il live.
*The instruments used for this performance are : Two Staccato drumkits, one Meazzi Wooding drum with added Octobans, one set or Rototoms, a Macbeth M5n, an Oberheim 2-Voice Pro, a Human Comparator Two Thousand Six Hundred, an EMS Synthi AKS, an Arp Odyssey, a Mellotron M4000D, various reverbs, echoes and effects, all going through three refurbished Trident Fleximix consoles, all positioned on a giant rug representing the electronic schematic of the installation.